Inspiral logistics & pharmacology

Inspiral logistics & pharmacology

Inspiral designs

Medical reviews 

16 Jan 2025

The myhealth app and its role

As you probably have seen on the advertisments up on the walls of most our doctors surgeries we are now using the Myhealth app to keep our medical records all in one easy to use place.

The app is a really great way to show your GP your past presciptions and discharge summaries as well as blood test xrays and imunisations.

The only problem is some GPs are not fully aware of it and they are not even sure its a real goverment repository.

The best thing you can do is make screen shots of all your most recent scripts along with the script id on the bottom left and have them printed out and taken to a J.P and have it witnessed and signed.

All in all its a great concept but we need to make the leap of faith and just use it.


7 Apr 2024
Xanax image

Xanax image

Xanax pros and cons

Doctors are starting to phase out prescriptions of xanax due to reports of addiction problems and missuse not in the was of injecting but by way of over use.

The people who are now taking xanax are the last generation of people who will get to use it and its very hard to find a doctor who will choose to start a patient on the benzo that was once used by two in every four patients. 

Xanax offers a really good reliefe from anxiety and sleep disorders but is dangerouse for people who need to drive or operate machinery.

Xanax is taken orally and cannot be injected however crushing and chewung can make the onset of the drugs hypnotic effects come on faster and patients become addicted to the feelings they experience.

Some patients have been reported to take as many as 50 tablets per day.

21 Jun 2023


Weight loss and medications like adderall

For a good all round treatment for those who are looking to lose weight you cant go past medications like dexamphetamine or adderall.

Although these medicines are prodominantly used to treat ADHD in children they also have qualities for appetite supressant and weight loss as well as those who have diabetes.

6 Jul 2022


As far as pain medicine goes you can’t beat OxyContin. A lot of time has been taken with the new formula OCs mundapharma are using a 400 tone press when making these. It comes after reports of misuse and addiction issues coming from all over the world. Now we have new formula OCs in all the same strengths as before only now you can not inject them or change the way they break down in your digestive system in the way of making it impossible to chew or crush and snort. With this new medication making it much easier for GPS to prescribe in our community and letting the consumers have the effective pain relief they are use to.

9 Dec 2020

XR serequel in comparison to Fast release

The main differences between the pair are basically XR gives you a more all round long lasting effect that helps you through out the day time and the other helps with getting to sleep and may be used as PRN.

17 Sep 2020


We are adapting to paperless prescriptions with the Erx server it will be easier than ever for people with a smart phone to fill prescriptions.
4 Aug 2020

Authority to prescribe 

If you require a s8 prescription to be used regularly then we are required to apply for an authorized approval. This can only be waived by a full medical history being faxed to futures surgery.
4 Aug 2020

Schedule 8 narcotics 

S8 discussion 

All states and territories have enacted legislation to regulate the prescribing of drugs of dependence/ addiction, which includes Schedule 8 drugs. Schedule 8drugs are 'poisons to which the restrictions recommended for drugs of dependence by the 1980 Australian Royal Commission of Inquiry into Drugs should apply'.

28 Jul 2020

Inspiral reviews

This is a place for reviews on prescription medications and their effectiveness.
Joel cahill
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